für katholisch-universelle Bildungstreffen mit JUNGEN LEUTEN


What is it about?

The Spirituality Centre for young people was opened in 1982 (March 4th) by the Catholic church, on the initiative of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and the Scalabrinian Fathers  with the collaboration of the Scalabrinian Secular Missionary Women.

From this experience, other International Centres were born in Solothurn (Switzerland), in Milan (Italy), in São Paulo (Brazil) and Mexico City.


The International Centres Scalabrini

  • are open (especially) to young people (aged between 18 and 32 years) of different nationalities and want to encourage the acceptance of each person in his/her diversity.

  • intend to make a contribution in raising awareness of issues related to migration and coexistence between people of different languages, cultures and religions. In a society where the primacy of globalization tends to standardize, isolate and marginalize people, the proposal of formation offered by the Centres focuses in particular on the person, on relationships and communion.

  • are inspired by Blessed J. B. Scalabrini's (1839-1905) prophetic intuition. Through the eyes of faith, he was able to perceive, in the reality of migration, the seed of a new future: in the often challenging encounter between cultures and mentalities, a new world is being prepared, where individuals and peoples discover that they belong to each other as part of one human family.



